What will it mean if I don’t remember you?
Because I don’t
Most days go in a flurry
Some days I remember you only in relief
That I don’t need that scab any more.

And there are days when I ache
And want to reach out and touch your cheek
Because even when I want to summon you
It’s only on the condition that I can do it from the safety of nothingness.

Mistakes in love do that
When you stepped on the stub of my heart
I felt the purposefulness of your heel
The soft dewy days
They were so few
And so
When your eyes meet mine
In the room inside my head
I turn my eyes away.
I will not be drawn by the pulley of sweet memories
When I open my fist
The fragrance is barely there.

What will it mean if I don’t remember you?
Your voice, the way your eyes crinkle when they smiled
The song we heard together
Our song, plays no more.
Or is it because louder still
Is your contempt
The jagged gnaw of your judgment?

Your knowing eyes
What did they know?
Your story is yours
My story is mine
We spin in our universes
In the falsehood of our aligned paths
We never met. I don’t remember you.

(c) Vinitha
#idontrememberyou #day10 #writingpoetry #napowrimoxnidhscraps